On march 25, 4 participants from Timor-Leste came to Korea to attended "Technology and Policy for Asian Countries 2015 which sponsored by KOICA. Total number of participants is 16 person consist of 4 countries: Timor-Leste, Philippine, Bangladesh and Pakistan. This training has been held since 2013 and our groups is the last participants who participate this program for this year. Almost three weeks started from march 26-April 15, we have learned very valuable topic such as: Technology and policy, technology and commercialization, Establishment of Korea Techno Park, Research and Development, Government Research Institute and also technology standardization. This training course proved to be a more comprehensive experience than I expected. Most of the lecturer came from Government Research Institute such as: STEPI, KAIST, Techno Park and other relevant institute that really focus on Research and Development for Government and also private company in Korea. Among this program we also visited several R&D institute, techno Park, and field visit to POSCO, and Gyeonggi Technopark). Most of the training session held in Sejong National Research Complex. The building was so huge, many researchers are working in this complex including STEPI. Nice view and cool weather becomes most challenges for all participants. Warm welcome from Korean people Through KOICA and STEPI really makes us like family. We have learned a lot from Korean people and Korean Government how they develop the country from nothing. Korean people have shown to us that to develop the country is not only depend on natural resources but work hard and creativity is the key for better future of the country. As stated clearly in the main gate of POSCO Steel Company "Resources are limited, but creativity is unlimited. Timor-leste people and Government should learn from Korean Experiences. Even We have natural resources someday this "Blessing of God"will empty. We need to invest more resources in capacity building and Research and Development (R&D) for the future of the nation.
Lospalos dan Com Beach Resort Terletak diujung timur Negara Timor Leste, perjalanan darat membutuhkan waktu 2 jam 30 menit dari Dili ke Lospalos. Kinamoko ya..itulah nama yang sering digunakan untuk menyebut orang lospalos. Kondisi wilayahnya datar seperti Suai. Sepanjang perjalan kita akan melihat hamparan sawah disekitar wilayah manatuto, bemase, laga, hingga laiwai perbatasan antara distrik Baucau dan Lospalos. Selain hamparan sawah, kita juga akan melihat secara dekat kerbau, sapi, kuda, domba, kambing berlalu lalang di persawahan dan pinggir-pinggir jalan. Selain pemandangan alam yang indah, kita juga akan melihat secara dekat kehidupan masyarakat di pedesaan. Rata-rata sistem pengelolahan sawah dan ladang masih menggunakan sistem tradisional. Kalau musim hujan tiba, sawah dan ladang akan terlihat menghijau tapi setelah musim kemarau tiba semuanya akan mengiring tak terurus. Masyarakat petani di daerah tidak diajarkan bagaimana mencari alternative usaha lain dalam menghadapi musim...