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Showing posts from May 14, 2011

My blog is function again

Thank You to all members of Blogger who have spent their time and efforts to fix blogspot problem.  i have been waiting for two days ago, and now i can access and writing my note into this blog. Again, thank you.

LORON INDEPENDENSIA – 20 de Maio de 2002.

Uluk kna-na’in atan há’u foti neoN ba Lalehan hodi agradese ba Na’in Maromak, nebé tulun ona Povu Timor Loro Sa’e bele hetan kbiit atu ukun rasik-aan.” “Obrigadu wa’in, Aman Maromak, tan ba grasa boot ida nee!”. Hanoin rua, atan há’u hasae orasoens no hamulak   ba Assuwa’in Matebian sira nebé, hori otas ba otas, funu atu tahan ni-nia liberdade no identidade hanesan Povu ida no Nasaun ida. Ho Komunidade Internasional nia tulun, liuliu ho Nasões Unidas nia apoio, Povo Timor bele ukun rasik-aan! Loron 20 fulan Maio tinan 2002, loron boot ba Timor oan tomak, tan ba iha loron ne’e, ita tomak bele dehan: La iha tan ema seluk ukun iha Rai Timor Loro Sa’e! Loron 20 de Maio loron Independensia lolós ba Timor-Loro Sae. Independensia nee’ iha nia fundamentu iha Povu tomak nia desizaun: tan ba hili dalan importante ida: Referendum iha loron tolu nolu, fulan Agostu tinana 1999. Independensia nee hetan   nia legitimidade hosi Nasoens Unidas, tan ba Sekretariu-Jeral Rasik, senhor Kofin...