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Showing posts from April 30, 2011

Project Communication Management

Today in the morning we had class with Bachtiar Simamora, PhD, and the topic was about  Project Communications Management. It was interesting and given an idea how to have good communication with the people. According to the book "Information Technology Project Management four edition by Kathy Schwalbe said that: The Communications Management plan should address the following items: 1. Stakeholder communications requirements 2. Information to be communicated, including format, content, and level of detail 3. Who will recive the information and who will produce it. 4. Suggested methods or technologies for conveying the information. 5. Frequency of communication 6. Escalation procedures for receiving issues 7. Revision procedures for updating the communications management plan.8. 8. A Glossary of common terminology.

Media informasaun Timor Leste

Iha mundo moderno, teknologia IT (information Technology)  henesan: HP, Computer, Internet, Website, Blog no seluk tan; sai hanesan necesidade importante ba ema nian moris. Tanba liu husi fasilidade IT sira ne'e bele fasilita ema hodi halo komunikasaun no truka informasaun ba malu iha fatin no tempo nebe deit.  exemplu kiik ida mak hanesan website. Informasaun hanesan, politika, kultura, art, sport, entertainment, advertisement, no seluk tan fasil liu atu hetan iha website. Tamba ne'e ohin loron ema creator website sira buka modelo oin-oin hodi halo website sai interaktivo , furak no halo ema gosta atu ba visita website refere. Iha Timor Leste mos komesa mosu website oin-oin nebe fasilita ema Timor Oan liu-liu sira nebe hela iha rai liur hodi buka informasaun kona ba politika ,ekonomia, kulkultural, sport, negocio no mos problema seluk nebe sempre akontese iha Timor Leste. Hanesan Timor oan nebe agora estuda hela iha Indonesia, hau sempre buka informasaun kona ba sitausan Timo...