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Showing posts from May 15, 2011

souvenir From Saudi Arabia

This souvenir was given  by one of my friend after he returned from Umrah.

At friend Wedding Party

Today, with my classmate, participated one of my friend wedding party in Bandung. The ceremony was started around 12.00 at Indonesia Time. Congratulation for Davi and Wife. May all good things with yours as new husband and new Wife.

AIT Scholarships program

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) now offering Scholarship to all Timor Leste people who are seeking scholarship for continue their study abroad specially in Thailand. More info. please visit this website: Thank you.

Poor and Rich

 Photo rua iha blog ne'e hakerek nain kopia husi facebook kolega. Rich and Poor laos livro "Rich dad and poor dad" nebe hakerek husi Robert T. Kyosaki he.e. Photo rua ne'e representa situasaun Nasaun Timor Leste iha Cidade no iha fatin nebe dook husi cidade. Neduni ita labele nega katak ida mak situasaun nasaun Timor Leste agora. Iha cidade Dili fatin komesa klot dadaun. Populasaun barak mak faan sira nian rai ba ema nebe riku ou ema estrangeiro balu nebe agora komesa nakonu iha Timor laran. Tan ne'e ita lalika hakfodak katak foho sira nebe haleu cidade Dili ema komesa ke'e no hari uma iha foho sira nian leten. Laos iha Dili deit, foho balu iha area Akanunu mos emprezario balu ke'e no foti fatuk no rai henek iha foho sira hodi faan ba estado hodi halo estrada, uma no seluk tan. Tan n'e kuando tempo udan boot populasaun sira nebe hela iha area akanunu sempre terus, tamba mota estraga hotu sira nian uma no sasan seluk nebe importante ba sira nian vida. ...