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3rd Years Anniversary TELEMOR just launched new Service Called "Telemor Wifi internet Connection"

August 22, 2015 is important day for  TELEMOR Company in Timor-Leste. Because on that day TELEMOR got License from the Government  to be one of the competitor for Telecommunication operator in this country. As shown on slide presentation indicated that after years operation in this country, TELEMOR Company have reached more than 550.000 customers in this year. This is means  a half of total population in this country already use TELEMOR services. Currently TELEMOR utilize four (4) satellite for international gateway which pointed to Singapore, Vietnam and Australia. TELEMOR also provided many sales point in every corner in Dili and Districts.  As one of the biggest Telecommunication in Timor-Leste, Telemor not only provide better services for their customer but also empowering local staff via transfer knowledge and skill in various areas in telecommunication sector. For this year Report Telemor already recruited more than 350 employee and this number can  increase more by the next year and  coverage area almost 97,5%. For celebration this anniversary TELEMOR just launched new service called "TELEMOR WIFI Internet connection". This Wifi services will available around public area such as: Largo lecidere, Timor Plaza, universities campus, Cristo Rei, Hotels and others important location in Dili. The way to access this Wifi services simple go to web browser and  put user name and password and let's enjoy and experiencing this new service from Telemor. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DAY FOR TELEMOR..


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