Sabadu liu ba hakerek nain partisipa colega nian graduasaun ba programa magisteradu iha universidade ida iha cidade Bandung. Tamba mai tarde, neduni labele tuir graduasaun iha salao laran. Kuaze horas 2 nian laran hein iha liur e dala ruma dada lia ho ema vendedores sira nebe faan hela aifunan oin-oin iha campus nian area. Tuir vendedores katak aifunan hirak ne'e sira lori husi Lembang-oeste Bandung no aifunan sira ne'e sosa iha agricultur aifunan e persiza loron rua hodi amos aifunan sira ne'e antes atu mai faan iha loron graduasaun. Tuir informasaun nebe hakerek nain hetan husi vendedores sira katak sira iha horario completu kona ba loron graduasaun universidade sira iha Bandung e dala ruma mos sira halao survey ba universidade hirak ne'e antes sira faan. Atu aproveita tempo nebe iha la haluha mos hakerek nain hateke tun-sae hodi hare vendedores aifunan hirak ne'e halo sira nian "action" hodi faan sira nian aifunan. Aifunan hirak ne'e mai ho naran oin-oin. Balun bolu aifunan Rosa, Anggrek, bunga matahari no seluk tan. Antes atu fa'an, aifunan hirak ne'e vendedores sira hamos halo didiak depois kahur ho aifunan nebe ho kor oin-oin depois tau iha plastik laran no iha plastik nian okos sira tau mos be atu nune'e aifuan hiran ne'e bele dura iha loron rua ou tolu nian laran.
Tuir hakerek nain nia esperienca, mesmo kleur iha rai Bandung maibe esperienca fo aifuan ba colega nunca halo iha hakerek nain nia vida. Tamba ne'e wainhira hare ema sira nebe partisipa iha graduasaun sira sosa aifunan ba nian colega halo hau mos "tergiur" atu sosa aifunan ba colega nebe halo graduasaun iha loron ne'e. Fo aifunan ba colega nudar presente signifika saida? Tuir Paulo Coelho author ba novel ho titlu Brida dehan hanesan ne'e “People give flowers as present because flowers contain true meaning of love. Anyone who tries to posses a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in the field, you'll keep it forever.
That is what the forest taught me. That you will never be mine, and that is why i will never lose you.”
Tuir hakerek nain nia esperienca, mesmo kleur iha rai Bandung maibe esperienca fo aifuan ba colega nunca halo iha hakerek nain nia vida. Tamba ne'e wainhira hare ema sira nebe partisipa iha graduasaun sira sosa aifunan ba nian colega halo hau mos "tergiur" atu sosa aifunan ba colega nebe halo graduasaun iha loron ne'e. Fo aifunan ba colega nudar presente signifika saida? Tuir Paulo Coelho author ba novel ho titlu Brida dehan hanesan ne'e “People give flowers as present because flowers contain true meaning of love. Anyone who tries to posses a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in the field, you'll keep it forever.
That is what the forest taught me. That you will never be mine, and that is why i will never lose you.”
Congratulations on your Graduation Day, My friend.........