Naran domain nebe iha kazu Timor Leste nian uza simbol (.TL) naran ida nebe mak ita uza sai hanesan indentitas nasaun Timor Leste iha mundo internet nian. Naran domain bele uza ba hosting website, blog, website privado, compnha, business no seluk tan. Iha Timor Leste barak mak komesa uza dot Tl ( .tl ) hanesan website Governo nian;; no mos iha ajensia Governo seluk tan nebe komesa uza Domain dot TL. Alende ne'e iha mos grupo inpresario balun mos komesa uza domain dot TL; ita bele hare exemplo ida mak iha website; Domain dot TL (.TL) nebe agora ninian management regula iha National Directorate of Information and Technology (DNICT) iha ministerio Infrastrutura nian okos no sai hanesan Administrator mak Snr. Flavio Cardoso Neves (Ex. Director DNICT) nebe agora dadaun kontinua nian studi Master degree iha Indonesia. Organisasaun nebe mak determina no regula naran domain iha mundo tomak mak ICANN ( Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Atu hatene liu bele ba visita ICANN nian website Mesmo dot TL komesa ema barak uza maibe barak mos sidauk hatene no atu registo Dot TL ne'e iha nebe los? tuir hau nian hanoin problema ne mosu tamba sidauk iha lei ida mak atu regula Dot TL. Tan ne'e uluk Snr Flavio hanesan Admin ba Domain Dot TL. iha hanoin ou "Gebrakan" ida atu loke account iha banku nebe uza DNICT nian naran, atu nune'e ema, organisasun, nomos companha ruma nebe hakarak uza domain Dot TL (.TL) ba sira nian website bele selu osan oituan hodi nune'e osan sira bele uza fila ba ajuda aktividade ICT iha Timor Leste inklui mos fo kapasitasaun iha area ICT nian. Maibe tamba Lei la permite entao buat sira ne'e paradu to'o agora. Tamba ne'e mak hau mos labele fo sala ba maluk no organisasaun nebe mak uza domain ba sira nian website maibe dala ruma la duni "tepat" exemplo ita bele hare website; tuir hau nian hanoin domain dot com (.com) uza ba Commersial. Atu hatene liu kona ba strutura naran Domian bele hare figura iha blog ne'e:
differensia entre sira mak:
org : uza ba organisasaun
Com: uza ba Commerial
.TL : Country code Top Level Domain (CCTLD) exemplo Australia: au, Indonesia: id
ac: academy
Gov: Governo
ac: academy
Gov: Governo
Edu: uza ba Edukasaun no seluk tan.
Mak ne'e obrigado bele ajuda maluk sira nebe visita blog ne'e.