Iha dia de 6,7,8, ami husi Timor Nain 3 mai tuir Conference iha Bali. Conference ida ne nia titulo mak ARF conference on Terrorist use the internet.
Loron premerio :
1. Mr. Stinson"Overview of terrorist use the internet"
2. Prof. Merilyna lim "the role of internetin radicalisation: a case study
husi Timor Leste ami la perpara an tamba ne, colega nain rua hili nudar head of delegate hehee,e,e. No experience but this is good oportunities to share experience in International forum.
topiko sira koalia barak kona terrorist usa internet atu halo ataka, nomos strategia uza tecnologia foun ba halo ataka.
Participante sira mak tuir mai ne:Indonesia&Australia Co hosted, India,Srilangka,Bangladesh,Canada,USA,Singpure,Vietnam,Korea,MAlaysia,Mongolia,China,Rusia no seluk tan.Session loron ida ne hotu tiha, iha kalan ami han hamutuk. Ami tuur hamutuk ho colega sira hosi Indonesia.Bapak2 ini pernah tugas di Timor Leste sebagai anggota tentara. heee..
Sidauk han hotu udan bot mos tun, e nune ami mos halai husi fatin han no buka uma okos, oh ya..antes han ami hetan surprise tamba bele hare dansa tradicinais bali no canta husi artista hotel nia..
Loron premerio :
1. Mr. Stinson"Overview of terrorist use the internet"
2. Prof. Merilyna lim "the role of internetin radicalisation: a case study
husi Timor Leste ami la perpara an tamba ne, colega nain rua hili nudar head of delegate hehee,e,e. No experience but this is good oportunities to share experience in International forum.
topiko sira koalia barak kona terrorist usa internet atu halo ataka, nomos strategia uza tecnologia foun ba halo ataka.
Participante sira mak tuir mai ne:Indonesia&Australia Co hosted, India,Srilangka,Bangladesh,Canada,USA,Singpure,Vietnam,Korea,MAlaysia,Mongolia,China,Rusia no seluk tan.Session loron ida ne hotu tiha, iha kalan ami han hamutuk. Ami tuur hamutuk ho colega sira hosi Indonesia.Bapak2 ini pernah tugas di Timor Leste sebagai anggota tentara. heee..
Sidauk han hotu udan bot mos tun, e nune ami mos halai husi fatin han no buka uma okos, oh ya..antes han ami hetan surprise tamba bele hare dansa tradicinais bali no canta husi artista hotel nia..